We have been writing film and television music for over 25 years and have the experience to produce exactly what a client needs. Look below for some of the major productions we’ve produced music for. Just contact us and tell us what you need.
NorthStar writers have composed thousands of tracks in every style for major production companies including:

Clients include:
BOSS. Lionsgate Films
British Lions Tour of New Zealand, Sky
Football Manager, ITV
HRH The Queen’s Jubilee finale with the Halle Orchestra
Class One Power Boats, Sky
Extreme Adventures, Channel 5
The Tube, Sky
Oprah Winfrey Show, Australian Films
World Class Trains, PBS
Houses and Heritage, Channel 4
DIY Surgery, Channel 4
The Collectors, BBC
Vets in the Wild, Channel 4
Who Killed Kennedy, BBC1
RBS Golf, Sky
Eurotrash, Channel 4
Rich Girls, Channel 4
Great Escapes, Anglia Television
The Stars, Channel 4
Neptune Encounter, Yorkshire Television
100 Years of Football, Thames Television
Blackpool Pleasure Beach, ITV
Scrapheap Challenge, Channel 4
Main Ident, Thames Television
Rescue International, Discovery Channel
There’s No Discouragement, Channel 4
The Ancient Art of Cookery, Channel 4
Classic FM Weather Ident
Bulgaria Television Ident
Laureat Sports Awards Monaco, PBS
Trash, Nickelodion
Games Climbers Play, Pioneer/PBS
The Cones, Midnight Films
Bring it On, BBC 2
The Cassius Clay Story, PBS
Disney Club. Mexican Fils
Bruno Bear, Classic Pictures
Apache Uprising, Sky
Big Brother Nominations, Australian Films
Wales This Week, HTV Wales
Father of the Pride, Sky
Sunday Pastimes, BBC2
Love Soup, BB1
Tales from the Country, Carlton
Dodgeball, Sky
Bad Boys of Comedy, Channel 4
Celebrity Death Match, MTV Central
Great Welsh Cafes, HTV Wales
Totally Wild, Australian Films
Great Outdoors, Australian Films
Sharks the Silent Killers, ITV
ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS INCLUDE: Tiger Beer, Honda/Asimo, Honda Crazy Sensible, Yell.com, Transport for London, Learn Direct, Murray Mints, Gossard, Sensodyne, Citibank, Braun, TDK, BMW, Airbus, Kraft, Pearl Assurance, NET Britannia, British Aerospace, Smith Kline Beecham, IBM, Ford, British Gas, Robian, Albright and Wilson, Aspen, Milas, Vinten, Marconi. Honda, Mastercard, Toyota, Kia, Mercedes, Sanyo, Canon, Galaxy Promises and Transport for London.